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These functions provide code for sending email, slack, and push notifications (to participants or study personnel). In order to use them you must configure either a Slack webhook (for Slack) or push API key and push gateway (for device notifcations and email). For slack, please refer to the instructions on creating a webhook here.


Send an email. Support email, push API key, and push gateway must be set for sending emails.


  • email: (str) the email to push the message to.
  • content: (str) the content of the message. Subject and body should be split by a new line (ex: "email subject\nemail text").
  • push_api_key: (str, default: None) the API key, will be pulled from the environment variable ('PUSH_API_KEY') if None.
  • push_gateway: (str, default: None) the gateway, will be pulled from the environment variable ('PUSH_GATEWAY') if None.
  • support_email: (str, default: None) the email to send from. This email will also be cc'd.
  • debug_mode: (boolean, default: False) if set, notifications will be logged and not sent.


cortex.notifications.push_email('','Hello\nHi,<br><br>This is a test email. Have a great day.')


Send a push notification to a participant. Push API key and push gateway must be set.


  • device: (str) the device to send the message to. This information can be found using (please see the example).
  • content: (str) the content of the message.
  • push_api_key: (str, default: None) the API key, will be pulled from the environment variable ('PUSH_API_KEY') if None.
  • push_gateway: (str, default: None) the gateway, will be pulled from the environment variable ('PUSH_GATEWAY') if None.
  • expiry: (int, units: ms, default: 86400000): how long before the notification expires.
  • debug_mode: (boolean, default: False) if set, notifications will be logged and not sent.


analytics = LAMP.SensorEvent.all_by_participant(participant_id, origin="")['data']
all_devices = [event['data'] for event in analytics if 'device_token' in event['data']]
if len(all_devices) > 0:
device = f"{'apns' if all_devices[0]['device_type'] == 'iOS' else 'gcm'}:{all_devices[0]['device_token']}"
cortex.notifications.send_push_notification(device, 'Hello, this is a test notification. Have a great day.')


Send a slack. Slack webhook must be set for sending slack messages.


  • message (str): the content of the message.
  • slack_webhook: (str, default: None) the slack webhook, will be pulled from the environment variable ('SLACK_WEBHOOK') if None.


cortex.notifications.slack('This is a test slack. Have a great day.')