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Sleep Duration

To use this feature, please use Cortex version 2022.03.11 or earlier.

computed from primary feature: cortex.primary.sleep_periods computed from raw feature: cortex.raw.accelerometer


Sleep duration is the sum of the sleep periods.

Optional or required kwargs​

  • start: (int, units: ms) the start time.
  • end: (int, units: ms) the end time.
  • resolution: (int, units: ms) the resolution over which to compute features.


  • timestamp: (int, units: ms) the start time of each bin of size kwargs['resolution'].
  • value: (int, units: ms) the sleep duration.


cortex.secondary.sleep_duration.sleep_duration(id="U1234567890", start=1607072400000, end=1609232400001, resolution=86400000)


'timestamp': 0,
'duration': 5616000000,
'resolution': 86400000,
'data': [
{'timestamp': 1607072400000, 'value': 38720178},
{'timestamp': 1607331600000, 'value': None},
{'timestamp': 1609232400000, 'value': 12218716}