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Game level scores

computed from raw features: cortex.raw.balloon_risk, cortex.raw.cats_and_dogs, cortex.raw.jewels_a, cortex.raw.jewels_b, cortex.raw.pop_the_bubbles, cortex.raw.spatial_span


Computes cognitive game leve-wise scores from raw data.

Optional or required kwargs​

  • start: (int, units: ms) the start time.
  • end: (int, units: ms) the end time.
  • name_of_game: (str) the name of the game to score. Options include: "balloon_risk", "cats_and_dogs", "jewels_a", "jewels_b", "pop_the_bubbles", and "spatial_span". No data will be returned if the game is not one of the options above.


  • start: (int, units: ms) the start time of a given survey entry.
  • end: (int, units: ms) the end time of a given survey entry.
  • level: (str) the game level.

The other return values depend on which game is being scored.

  • avg_go_perc_correct (game: pop_the_bubbles): (float) the percent of go trials that were correct.
  • avg_NO_go_perc_correct (game: pop_the_bubbles): (float) the average percent of no-go trials that were correct.
  • avg_pumps (game: balloon_risk): (float) the average number of balloon pumps.
  • avg_tap_time (game: cats_and_dogs, jewels_a, jewels_b, spatial_span): (float) the average tap time.
  • avg_perc_correct (game: cats_and_dogs, jewels_a, jewels_b, spatial_span): (float) the average percent of correct taps.
  • jewels_collected (game: jewels_a, jewels_b): (int) the number of jewels collected in the level. Please note that currently there is information missing from the API, so the pop_the_bubbles scores will not be accurate.


cortex.primary.game_level_scores.game_level_scores(id="U1234567890", start=0,, name_of_game="jewels_b")


'timestamp': 0,
'duration': 1627067480000,
'data': [
{'start': 1639759199227, 'end': 1639777579969, 'level': 1, 'avg_tap_time': 1233.5, 'jewels_collected': 25, 'perc_correct': 0.995},
{'start': 1639759199227, 'end': 1639777579969, 'level': 1, 'avg_tap_time': 1009.2, 'jewels_collected': 25, 'perc_correct': 1.0},
{'start': 1639426388269, 'end': 1639426610663, 'level': 3, 'avg_tap_time': 981.24, 'jewels_collected': 21, 'perc_correct': 1.0},
'has_raw_data': 1,