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Schedule or Delete an Activity

Scheduling an Activity

  1. Log into the dashboard and navigate to the Activities tab.
  2. Select the activity you would like to schedule by checking the box next to it's name.
  3. Click the arrow to the right of the Name.
  4. Click the plus sign to the far right to add a schedule.
  5. Select you Start Date, Time, Repeat Interval, etc.
  6. Click the check mark.
  7. The patient or participant will receive a feed item and a notification on their phone at the specified time.
  8. Because activities close at midnight Eastern Standard Time, the patient or participant should be instructed to complete the activity before this closing time.

How to schedule an activity from the Patient Profile

Delete an Activity

  1. Log into the dashboard and navigate to the Activities tab.

  2. Select one or more activity you would like to delete.

  3. Press Delete/the trash can icon at the top of the list.

    All data saved under that survey activity is deleted for every patient in your clinic. Once deleted, a survey activity and any deleted data cannot be recovered.