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Query ActivityEvents for a Participant.

List ActivityEvents produced by a Participant. The deprecated name for this operation is ActivityEvent.all_by_participant.

Path Parameters
id string — REQUIRED
Query Parameters
origin string
from int64
to int64
limit int64


data object[]
timestamp int64 — REQUIRED

The UNIX Epoch date-time representation of when this event was recorded: number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970 12:00 AM.

duration int64 — REQUIRED

The duration this event lasted before recording ended.

activity string — REQUIRED

The activity that produced this activity event.

static_data object — REQUIRED

The summary information for the activity event as determined by the activity that created this activity event.

temporal_slices object[] — REQUIRED

The specific interaction details of the activity event.


The item that was interacted with; for example, in a Jewels game, the corresponding alphabet, or in a survey, the question index.


The value of the item that was interacted with; in most games, this field is null, but in a survey, this field is the question choice index.


The type of interaction that for this detail; for example, in a Jewels game, none if the tapped jewel was incorrect, or correct if it was correct, or in a survey, this field will be null.


The time difference from the previous detail or the start of the parent result.


The level of activity for this detail; for example, in games with multiple levels, this field might be 2 or 4, but for surveys and other games this field will be null.



error string