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Participant-Level Visualizations

At times, it may be necessary to run specific analyses on one participant - for example, to ensure continuous data quality monitoring or check the level of interaction with LAMP. The following functions are designed to run on a specific participant and return information that may be helpful either with monitoring LAMP data collection or examining cortex scores

Passive Data Quality​



This function produces two graphs intended to help assess data quality - a scatterplot and a heatmap, which both show on an hourly level the amount of data collected over the previous week. Data is stored in attachments to prevent unnecessary server load on subsequent runs - as such, this can be run repeatedly throughout the week to speed up individual runs.


  • id_list: A string or array of strings of LAMP ids (participant, study, researcher)
  • show_graphs: If True, graphs are displayed in the output
  • attach_graphs: If True, graphs are attached to the participant
  • display_graphs: If True, graphs are attached to the study and researcher for display
  • days_ago: The number of days ago the analysis should end. If 0, analysis ends on the current timestamp
  • sample_length: The number of days to query data for
  • set_to_utc_midnight: If True, timestamps are adjusted to UTC midnight
  • reporter_func: The function that should output important logging info. Use with a webhook, for example logging to slack
  • return_dict: If true, returns a dictionary containing data output. Else returns None.
  • reset: If true, data from previous runs will be deleted.

Code Example​


First Time:

Found no U5946075691 data under lamp.analysis.Accel_Quality_stored
Querying for U5946075691 - Accel_Quality

Repeat Time:

Querying for U5946075691 - GPS_Quality
Previous data was found. 168 chunks were excluded.



Active Data Quality​


This function produces a graph intended to help assess participant interaction with lamp - a stacked bar chart, which shows on an daily level the number of LAMP activities collected each day.


  • id_list: a string or array of strings of LAMP ids(participant, study, researcher)
  • target_array: a list of specs, names, or ids to display. Default is all. Include '' to show all activities.
  • exclude_array: a list of names to exclude. Default is None.
  • exclude_groups: attempt to exclude group completions
  • show_graphs: if True, graphs are displayed in the output
  • attach_graphs: if True, graphs are attached to the participant
  • display_graphs: if True, graphs are attached to the study and researcher for display
  • graph_name: set to another string to override the default name
  • days_ago: the number of days ago the analysis should end.If 0, analysis ends on the current timestamp
  • sample_length: The number of days to query data for
  • reporter_func: The function that should output important logging info.Use with a webhook, for example logging to slack
  • return_dict: If true, returns a dictionary containing data output. Else returns None.

Code Example​'U1978824471',attach_graphs=True,days_ago=160,sample_length=30)

Cortex Tertiles​



This function produces a graph intended to help assess how participant's cortex measures change day by day. Using a 'lollipop' chart, researcher can visualize whether a particpant's scores on different cortex measures are high, medium, or low, relative to a week's worth of measurements.


  • target_id: Required. a string or array of LAMP user, study, or researcher ids.All user ids below one or more ids in the list (if applicable) will be run
  • cortex_measures: Default:['acc_energy','entropy','hometime','screen_duration']. a string, list, or dict of cortex measures. If a dict, keys will be used for the array fed into run and the values will be used as labels. E.g. {'sleep_periods':'Sleep'}
  • measure_params: Measure params to pass into cortex
  • use_cache: If true, attempt to use cached data
  • show_graphs:Default True. a boolean - whether to show graphs generated to the user running the function call
  • attach_graphs:Default True. a boolean - whether to attach graphs to the participant as a tag
  • display_graphs:Default True. a boolean - whether to display graphs tothe participant on their prevent page
  • days_ago: Default 0. Number of days ago to end analysis. Set to 0 to end analysis today
  • sample_length: Default 7. Timespan for analysis, in days.
  • reporter_func: Default 'print'. A function which should take one variable,which are outputs from this function, and displays them to a user
  • set_to_utc_midnight: Default True. Whether or not to set the utc time to true
  • return_dict: Default False. Whether or not to return a dictionary of all cortex outputs at the end.

Code Example​
